Life Moves On

by - 2:18 PM


Life Moves On

I ope’d the book and found a door
Into your heart and mind – and more:
I turned the page and found a key
Which ope’d the treasure-chest of thee.
Therein was gold, but also clay;
Your faults and virtues on display.
And as I read, I understood:
I was inspired to be good.
I felt as if I knew you well
And I could feel the things you felt.
That journey which you took me on
Was beautiful, and good as long.
Your presence in my mind and heart
Was bright enough to push apart
The doubts and fears that shrouded me
And help me hope in what might be.
But then – alas! – the last page read
And there I learned that you are dead.

. . .

Life is less bright, and aching-sad
When I see how much time you had
And time you lost to your swift end.
I feel as if I’ve lost a friend.
Farewell, dear friend, yet never known,
The earth still turns
And life moves on.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. What a beautiful way to mourn the death of a character <3 Perfectly lovely and sad; this is great :)
