
by - 1:56 PM

 When you're bored at night, bored the next morning, and your fingers just itch to do

Digital Art

A back-story detailing the Marvel Loki's personal journey, and specifically, interaction with Thanos, from the end of Thor 1 to the beginning of Avengers.

A Marvel fan-fiction co-written with @600Kelvin about the tempestuous relationship between the fiery mortal, Ashlyn Hayes, and the cold god of mischief, Loki

A short-story yet to be written about a young woman named Eloquence who cannot speak

A Norse Mythology fan-fiction alternate-ending to the tragic tale of Loki and his son, Vali

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3 people are talking about this


    YOU ARE SO GOOD AT COVER DESIGN!!!!! See!!!! I told you! These are amazing!!! :D :D :D

    My favorite is Eloquence...I love every part of it, from the font choices to the picture, to the dappling of spots on her face. Amazing job! :D You should go into graphic design or some other form of digital art, because you are awesome at it, and this is with minimal training!!

    You're already way better than I am--you have that artist's eye ;D

    1. I love "Or So You Thought" SOOOO much too!!! :D :D :D THe font, the colors, the border...all of it :D

    2. Well, perhaps good but definitely not satisfied. XD I will have to keep working on cover-design. On Eloquence - I actually did not add the spots of light to her face, they were already part of the photo *sheepish smile* and it was definitely the simplest cover to make. Or So You Thought was the most complex. Oddly enough, my favorite is "Till There's Nothing Left" but it seems to be unpopular. XD Thank you so much! I actually have been considering doing graphic design, since I enjoy it so much.
      AND NO, I am NOT better than you. See "Or So You Thought" cover. ;)
