Samuel 2.0

by - 3:14 PM

 Long ago, and with little reason but an interest in making something fun, Samuel the Ranger was created.

However, Samuel's maker had little skill and less experience, so it was not long before Samuel broke, first his bow, then his sword, then one-by-one most of his limbs crumbled away. 

One day, gazing sadly at the pitiful remains, Samuel's maker decided to give him one more go.

Thus was made Sam 2.0

Sam 1.0

Clay this time instead of Polymer

Separate into sections

Begin with torso and arms

Add legs

Cover with clothes

Add boots

Stand-up test

Add hands and head

Give him weapons and a pedestal

Finish positioning and add cloak

Side-view (after bake)


Sam 2.0 completely painted.

(my brushes weren't small enough so painting was rough)

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1 people are talking about this

  1. AHHHH I am constantly AWED by how you can turn this clay into such amazing and lifelike sculptures!! Great job!!
