I Live

by - 2:25 PM

I Live
‘Tis completely impossible,
And yet at once so wonderful.
I cannot see
How I could be.
I live and still can’t grasp it all.

Science cannot explain the man
Nor any myth speak truer than
The evidence:
I live and sense a Master Plan.

This world does not simply revolve
So men can say we did evolve.
A purpose waits
Stronger than fates.
I live this mystery to solve.

A ball can’t roll unless it be
That someone push it. Thus we see
That each ‘square 1’
Must be begun.
I live ‘cause Someone started me.

So do not fear the oracle –
Which has been proved implausible – 
That by romance
Of random chance
I live – this is impossible.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Wow!!! This poem is amazing, and I love the imagery and themes of the poem!!
