To Be

by - 1:58 PM

To Be
To be or not to be:
When being is all grief?
For being is but to endure
Torment without relief.

To grieve or not to grieve:
When grieving is fore’er?
For grieving melts our fantasies
To prove what’s really there.

To pine or not to pine:
When pining is a bain?
For pining drains our life to tears
And in the end is vain.

To see or not to see:
When seeing is a curse?
For seeing shows the light we lack
And then our dark is worse.

To wait or not to wait:
When waiting is but woe?
For waiting holds our bated breath;
It proves that we can’t know.

To try or not to try
When trying we may lose?
For trying leaps and hopes to land,
To have the chance to choose.

To hope or not to hope:
When hoping is so free?
For hoping makes the worm a man -
We strive for what may be.

To strive or not to strive
When striving is our due?
For striving builds our will to live,
It grows the more we do.

To live or not to live
When living can be good?
For living gives us all choice
To be that which we should.

To be or not to be:
When being is the point?
For being is why we were born -
To be – We prove the point.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. I love how this poem turns around so fast!! Amazing job, as always :D
