As I Sit Beside The Shore

by - 1:50 PM

As I Sit By The Shore
Salty is the sea-shore
And salty are my tears
Falling forevermore
To mourn the passing years.
Tide-swept ever-onward
Too swiftly borne away.
Time moves only forward
I wish that time would stay.

Bitter is the myrtle
And bitter are my tears
Dashing on every hurtle
I’ve crossed in all my years.
Some hurtles rose too highly
And so the moment’s gone
When I leapt not so bravely
As I ought to have done.

Lasting is this flavor
So lasting are my tears
Which wash for now and ever
Down all the briny years.
Life’s full of woe and sorrow
But life has wonder too.
Tears now shall make tomorrow’s
Sky shine brighter blue.

Gentle is the rain-fall
And gentle are my tears
For now I wait the last call
To make worth-while the years.
The call to bear me homeward
To where tears are no more.
My thoughts are bent Heavenward
As I sit by the shore.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The imagery is incredible, and the picture you choose just makes it even better!
