I Defy

by - 1:35 PM

I Defy
Stack my pains and grief’s and woes
Upon the corpses of my foes.
Now light a match and make of fire-
-y grave for all of them. A pyre
For every fear and grief and pain
And foe which will not rise again.

Thus may they burn to ash and dust
And all the blood be turned to rust.
Yea, all my drops of sweat and tears
And streams of blood that o’er the years
Have poured from me to steaming lie
And show my face set in the sky.

I will melt them - every one
Until the last bright drop is gone.
I draw my sword and raise it high -
The bloody blade piercing a sky
Of threatening clouds – and here I cry
In voice of woe: “I do defy!”

“I defy the ghosts that haunt me!”
“I defy each piercing mem’ry!”
“I defy with blood and tears
All my pains and woes and fears!”
“I defy and have defied
And fighting thus all foes have died
Beneath my raging, smoking sword.”

So lies the cursed, haunting horde.
Upon a pyre their corpses set
And while I never will forget,
I spark the hottest, brightest flame
To burn my past and clear my name.

The pyre is bright and sky is gray;
I sheath my sword and walk away.

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2 people are talking about this

  1. Those last two lines are so POWERFUL, and I absolutely adore them.

    1. Ahh, thanks so much!! They are my favorite in the poem too and it felt so good and final to write them. :D
