Weak and Weary I Did Ponder

by - 2:44 PM

Weak and Weary I did Ponder

Weak and weary I did ponder

On the ways and wiles of wonder

While without the storm did thunder

Gainst my window-panes

Sole and sorely I considered

Songs of sorrow long-remembered

Still the storm incessant thundered

Gainst my window-panes.

Old and ornery I uttered

Unsuccessful isms spluttered

As the storm contesting thundered

Gainst my window-panes.

Silence!” shouted I in anger

Looking down a pointed finger

At the sweeping storm that thundered

Gainst my window-panes.

Be ye spirit or be specter,”

Said I (yes, I still remember),

I care not, but stop your thunder

Gainst my window-panes!”

Then there came a rolling laughter

Saying “I am not a specter

That do whirl my wind and thunder

Gainst your window-panes.”

I am but a stolen murmur

Of the wrong which you remember

Done to you, replied in thunder,

Gainst your window-panes.”

I am but the foe of slumber

That your ponder would encumber

To remind how woe can thunder

Gainst your window-panes.”

I am but the month September

One of twelve long months in member

That has come to ever-thunder

Gainst your window-panes.”

I am but the word ‘remember’

Made into a thing of measure

Telling tales long-passed in thunder

Gainst your window-panes.”

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