
by - 1:30 PM


Within our sight – without of reach

To have a voice, yet without speech;

To have knowledge, but none to teach:

So vainly are we tantalized.

Within our reach – without our joy

To have so much, yet pleasure’s coy;

To find not satisfying toy:

So vainly are we tantalized.

Within our joy – without our hope,

To possess eyes yet still to grope;

To see no purpose in our scope:

So vainly are we tantalized.

Within is hope – without is me

For God is satisfactory

And bound to Him, I am more free:

So no more am I tantalized.

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2 people are talking about this

  1. *applauds* Your poetry never seeks to amaze me. :D

  2. At the last line I just sat back in my chair, completely breathless. This was just so heartfelt...I'm at a loss for words! Awesome job!
