Creature of Mud

by - 1:59 PM

Creature of Mud

Foolish and fickle

Mind full of thorns!

How the world must curse

The day you were born!

How the earth groaned and

Heaved at your life.

This bane of existence

And causer of strife!

You think you have love

But selfishness reigns.

You trick your own feelings

And glory in pains.

Worthless and mindless,

You creature of mud!

How dare you lift your hands

To a Holy God!

Crawl, base pretender!

Wallow in grime

For such is your lot

You creature of slime!

Whimper and shudder

In the pit of your sin

For such you deserve

The prize you will win.

Regret your pretension,

Your arrogant pride,

And die in the swamp of

The tears you have cried.

Fit to be forgotten!

You greedy black worm

That acted the good part

And only brought harm.

So pay for your arrogance –

Your disgusting self.

And curse your existence

And detest yourself.

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    "Regret your pretension,

    Your arrogant pride,

    And die in the swamp of

    The tears you have cried."

    That excerpt is freaking amazing, and I love every bit of this poem. Great job! :D
