
by - 2:47 PM



I love you introspectively

This does not mean beginnings

Nor speculative winnings,

For you are love’s epitome.

But introspectively is so:

In all that I consider

You are the highest letter

That any thought or muse can know.

My love reaches for brilliance

And grasps the notion of you.

I see what I thought I knew

Was nothing by your radiance.

My love delves for the hidden prize

And sees a blazing star shine;

I wish to make that light mine

Discovering it is your eyes.

My love grasps for the perfect thought

And is found saying your name.

For beauty and joy are same

With you, and without you are not.

I love you introspectively

For this mind can only view

From afar the thought of you:

Your Individuality.

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