
by - 2:37 PM



I love you microscopically.

Dear, this does not mean atoms,

Nor cells nor microcosms

But smallness is infinity.

The weakest voice is beautiful

When hearkened to by your ear.

Your faint smiles and laughter dear

More lovely the less plentiful.

My love searches your smallest glance

And finds the fount of wisdom.

Your hands could hold a kingdom

And in their grasp my heart would dance.

My love exalts the faintest tone

Of your whispered inflections.

Your touch, the purest sanctions

To make holy my every bone.

My love captures the tiny rays

Of light that dance around you.

There is nothing you can do

That does not this poor heart amaze.

I love you microscopically

For my love is just the sight

That observes the candlelight

Of your minute immensity.

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