by - 12:41 PM

I am the words that dare not be spoken,
The whispering darkness you never hear.
I am the cry of a heart when 'tis broken
I am the voice of your deepest fear.

I am the warmth that rises from frozen fire
The chill in the touch of a hot iron's brand.
I am the ashes that smolder before the pyre.
I am the water that parches the sand.

I am the color you find in the deepest cave
Darkest and purest without any hue.
I am the chasm that opens to be your grave.
I am the voice whose lies are all true.

I am the scent of a flower that breathes out death
Capturing laughter in bright steel bands.
I am the wind that shouts without any breath.
I am the giver without any hands.

I am the thief that comes in to steal your soul
You do not need it as much as I lust.
I am the broken glass always but never full.
I am the deed that you may not but must.

I am the hope that blooms sweetly 'fore you die
Speaking of brightness when you cannot see.
I am the promise that breaks with a gentle “I
Am the prison without any key.”

Inspired by "He was the soundless words repeated again." from Reborn From Fire, Chapter 21

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1 people are talking about this

  1. *claps wildly* This poem is fantastic!!! :D The imagery and power in every word is incredible, and I can't believe I forgot how good it was! I am so glad you posted it to your blog. :D
