I Wait

by - 12:50 PM

I Wait
This ever-rising price I pay
When I say “I’ll decide someday
But not today,
Now go away.”
I wait on work and choose to play.

Procrastination is my theme
I use both day and night to dream
Of what I could
Do if I would.
I wait and think my mind supreme.

Nothing could make me care enough
To smooth the way which now is rough
And by the deed
Help one in need.
I wait and call time’s passing bluff.

I do not make the time to go
And visit one who loves so
Till chances gone
And they’ve pass on.
I wait and miss the good I owe.

If I would loose these feet of clay
And draw my sword to join the fray
Then I would gain
In spite of pain.
I wait – this is the price I pay.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. This poem is great! It really drives home the idea of procrastination, something I can very much identify with...*sheepish grin*
