
by - 2:19 PM

Ache of my heart and soul’s bitter longing;
Torturous emptiness of unbelonging;
Pain without hope or spark for the light;
Weary and broken and crushed by the night.
Hollow within ‘till all is collapsed
Worn to the breaking – my echoes have lapsed.
Even the beating of this heart proves vain
When I stumble and fall and can’t rise again.
Who would have thought that void was so heavy?
Or that such hollow could make me unsteady?
None, for we think, until we have lack:
Ignorance is bliss – if bliss can be black.
Steady, unsteady; whole and then broken;
Time turns to change and morph the last token
I have of sanity. Whatever that be . . .
A chain of indifference is wrapped around me.
First to care too much and to give;
Then changing, to care not at all to live.
Antipathy swallowed by apathy
And sympathy broken with empathy.
Compassion – salvation; uncaring – the void
Till with a last tremor my hope is destroyed.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. *gapes*
    *begins clapping*

    I just want to read it out loud to myself over and overrrrrrr :D
