
by - 1:16 PM

Salt that stings my weary eyes
And turns their gaze away from skies
That once did promise sweet release:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that burns the open wound
Striking chords of pain once tuned
To drive souls into the ground:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that makes the richest earth
Barren, bleached and lost of worth;
Seeds starvation through our mirth:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that gleams like diamonds old
Found in the caves of gems and gold;
Truth untold, lies manifold:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that stings upon the tongue
Falling from eyes, wherefrom
Cruelly the drops were wrung:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that turns the water sharp
So that to drink is but to harp
This senseless thirst and senses warp:
Salt to salt I find.

Salt that pours out of each breath;
Bitterness that reeks of death;
Burns the heart ‘till naught is left:
Salt to salt I find.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Amazing! I read it and was just struck dumb with the incredible rhyme and heart-wrenching grief and beauty this story conveys.
