The Demon's Litany

by - 2:12 PM

A Demon’s Litany
Numb, numb in the cold
Flesh is silver, blood is gold.
Greed, greed without gain
Twixt the two and torn in twain.

Burn, burn with the lust
Sweat is liquor, blood is rust.
Fire, fire in the veins
Bones and breath are broken banes.

Ache, ache in the strife
Peace is death and pain is life.
Cure, cure nevermore
Cleaved by cancer to the core.

Hate, hate with a rage
Torment inked upon the page.
Torn, torn by the hate
Lake of flames and it’s too late.

Numb, numb in the fire
Devil’s souls are for the hire.
Greed, greed never filled
Sold the soul and blood is spilled.

Death, death can’t pretend
Buried bones breathe “’Tis the end.”

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1 people are talking about this

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love this poem soooooo much!! It practically screams at me to read it aloud. Fantastic job as always! :D
