Too Late

by - 2:47 PM

Too Late
How long? How long have I endured?
This wretched life and being abided.
And yet, I know ‘tis all deserved
My fate was long ago decided
When I chose to think of me
As of more worth than them or thee.

How deep? How deep dost run this vein
Of bitterness and empty woe?
It oozes an infected pain
That reeks of what I did not do,
When I should have. Alas, no more
Can I go back to once before.

How hard? How hard to make it right?
To try and win back all I’ve lost
And with a promise flee the night?
As hard as life to pay the cost;
For I have learned that though I be
Filled with regret, I can’t be free.

How cold? How cold must this heart grow
Before the pangs within should bite
So deep that it would cease to glow
With life, and death be born in night.
I cannot shiver, cannot care
That monsters lurk within this lair.

How late? How late am I to come
And turn my wrong back into right?
I climb a hill, seeking my home
And find a ruin in my sight.
Too late now to rewrite my story
To ask for pardon – to say “I’m sorry.”

For Tamara - the character who thinks it's too late

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1 people are talking about this

  1. T-T I want to give Tamara a hug and tell her again and again that it is NEVER too late. <3 <3
