Kindred Spirit

by - 1:26 PM


Kindred Spirit

A figure afar I see and would long
To give hope to that one
Who for I have known
The errors and miseries unknown before.
I want to do more
Than what little I score
Through prayer at a distance so long.

A figure forlorn I see far away,
So weakly I pray
That a someone may
Comfort and strengthen where I can’t go.
What little I know
Fills me with sorrow
And I wish I had not run away.

A figure is kneeling alone on the field
Laying down her shield
A silent, soft yield
I feel her soul praying that my soul is well
And as I can’t quell
My tears, so I dwell
On the thought of her. And our souls are sealed.

Two figures are seen through the misty air
And though one’s not there
The presence is fair
Like a spirit from lost eras returned to bring light.
They pray and the night
Is a little more bright:
Their hearts bonded in the kinship of prayer.

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3 people are talking about this

  1. It's amazing how many people are wandering alone in the dark.

    But this hit hard, and it was exactly what I needed to hear last night when I saw it come in. I have a feeling I will continue to be reading it several times in the future. Thank you for writing this. <3 It means a lot <3

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