I Will Trust

by - 4:41 PM


I Will Trust

God, are You there?” I cry when I’m lonely
Wishing that His hold was something I could feel.
I know that He’s here: within me – around me,
But sometimes I wonder if He’s even real.

God, do You hear?” I say when I’m hurting
And wishing that someone would hear my heart’s-cry.
I know that He listens, patiently ensuring,
But sometimes I feel like I pray to the sky.

God, will You help?” I plead when I’m desperate,
Just wishing my cross was not so hard to bear.
I know that He helps me and never forgets,
But sometimes I feel like there’s nobody there.

God, I can’t do this!” I cry when I’m losing
And wishing an angel would just take me Home.
I know that my trials are all His good choosing
But sometimes I fear that I’m really alone.

God, I will trust You,” I whisper even though
I’m lonely, hurt, desperate and lost in my fear.
There is no depth of pain that He does not know,
No place I can go where He won’t say, “I’m here.”

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