The Heart of Man

by - 3:03 PM


The Heart of Man

Troubled darkness – gloom and pain.

Selfish pride’s despotic reign

In our souls a bloody stain:

How wicked is the Heart of Man?

Seeking out with eager greed

Lustful thrills that make us bleed.

Having much, the more we need:

How wanton is the Heart of Man?

Parents, children, families

Pitched in war as enemies.

Other’s woes our ecstasies:

How cruel is the Heart of Man?

Pointing fingers – laying blame,

Using weapons such as shame

And slander to win the game:

How hardened is the Heart of Man?

Desperation to have been

Good enough to hide our sin.

Carve our own way up to Heav’n:

How hopeless is Heart of Man?

God and Satan waging war

O’er the souls of men, and for

Saving or damning evermore:

How precious is the Heart of Man?

Our chance to choose which one will win;

The free-will to renounce our sin,

And be the selves we should have been:

How hopeful is the Heart of Man?

Redeemed – our names from Hade’s list,

For we were meant for more than this.

Transformed, by grace, to look like Christ:

How blesséd is the Heart of Man!

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2 people are talking about this

  1. Wow, I love this so much!! This is probably my favorite line, because the bitter but powerful imagery it produces is amazing!!

    "God and Satan waging war/O’er the souls of men, and for/Saving or damning evermore:/How precious is the Heart of Man?"

