
by - 12:55 PM



What is true power?
The sound of a voice
That lifts your heart up
And makes it rejoice.

What is true power?
The words of a friend
That make you believe
This isn’t the end.

What is true power?
The touch of a hand
That comforts and says
“I do understand.”

What is true power?
The feeling so strong
When people support
And say “You belong.”

What is true power?
The sight of a smile
That turns the clock back
‘Till you are a child.

What is true power?
The sight of a cross
That says “God is here!”
And not all is lost.

What is true power?
The Man on a tree
Who gave up His life
To set the world free.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. I love every single one of these stanzas, and surely at least one of them will strike almost anyone as deeply as they did me.
