Dear Hollow Heart

by - 1:50 PM


Dear Hollow Heart

Dear hollow heart, as hard as steel,
You loved a dream, and every feel-
-ing you enjoyed kindled that flame
Of life successful by a name
Which you created for the love
And hope your dream was fashioned of.
Every penny, dollar, dime
Given gladly with your time.

So much love you poured into
The dream you wanted to come true,
But looking up, one day, from all
The glory of your vision’s call
You saw a world falling to dust;
You realized that what you must
Do was worth more than what you willed;
By duty’s sword your dream was killed.

This hollow heart and eyes of ice
May never crack beneath the vice
And selfishness of fallen man.
And yet, dear heart, do understand
That as you go to save the earth
And make a legacy of worth
You must not let your own self end;
A loveless gift can but pretend.

Dear hero’s heart, your duty’s call
Be fueled by love or not at all.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. THOSE LAST TWO LINES!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Amazing job, as always :D
