Utmost Holiness ~~~ (2018)

by - 2:23 PM

Utmost Holiness

Borne in a vision to the Temple I see

The house of the Lord alight in glory,

And entering there I behold on the throne

He who is Lord God Almighty alone.

His face is so bright my eyes cannot bear

The gaze of those eyes that shining there

Speak wonders of goodness, right and just,

I lower my eyes for I am but dust.

As the cherubs sing “Holy!” thrice with a shout

I open my mouth but naught cometh out.

“Unclean! Unclean!” My soul cries within

Oh, how I would praise Him if but for my sin.

Undone I am, for in this pure light

Of holiest glory and all that is right

In my shame I dissolve as snow 'neath the sun,

Alas! Alas! My soul is undone!

My lips are unclean and try as I may

I cannot wash these sins away!

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Beautiful poem, and the rhymes work so well together!! It's also an unusual divergence from your typical religious poetry, in that you don't end it in hope, but rather despair. It works well though, and creates a nice change of pace as well!
