In The Beginning ~~~ (2017)

by - 2:51 PM

In the Beginning
(written 2017)

Before before, and before even then,

Before before was, and before there was when.

There was God all alone in good company,

For although He was alone alone He was three,

The Father, the Son, and the Spirit They were,

Though all count three only one for sure.

And They and He all being one and three,

Were hovering over a formless sea.

And so God the three yet all alone,

said “Let there be light.” and out it shone,

And He took the light and made it day,

To chase the darkness called night away.

And it was good, saw He and yet They,

And there was evening and morning the very first day.

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2 people are talking about this

  1. Nice poem! Although I must say it took the concept of the Trinity which I understood quite well and made it confusing 😂

    1. I have always considered the concept of the Trinity one that, if you really think about it, doesn't make a lot of sense to our finite human minds. Glad I got that across. ;)
