From Christ's Perspective ~~~ (2017)

by - 2:44 PM


From Christ's Perspective:

Accused am I of blasphemy,

To defend myself 'twas I full free,

Oh, will they the Living Truth see?

Nay, for it is not to be.

Guilty of Innocence am I,

Thus am I led forth to die.

A crown of thorns upon mine head,

Before me a path of pain and dread,

Yet in obedience this path I’ll tread,

'Till my life 'tis o'er, my body dead.

The cross I bear, the pain, sin's load,

I walk, in grief, Golgotha's road,

I reach the hill of the skull, it climb,

Yea now has come the appointed time.

My people watch with widening eyes;

Remember I their “Hosanna!” cries,

They watch with scorn as the truth doth die,

Crucify him!” their new loathing cry.

They raise me on the cross up high,

Mother do not for me cry;

John, my disciple who standeth near,

This is thine mother, hold her dear;

Mother this man is now your son,

Treat him as kindly you have me done.

Father forgive: they know not what they do,

May they find, through me, perfect life in You,

Darkness o'er-shadows earth and sky,

I feel my hour drawing nigh.

. . .

My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?

I can, no longer, my Father's face see.

Ah! Must I, for these, bear this sin?

It torments me - my soul - from within.

From Adam's curse I ache to be free.

And yet I will bear this obediently,

Because, my Father, I yet love thee.

My life is done, yea lived to the full,

Father, into Thine hands I commit my soul.


For God so loved the world that he gave his only son,

Who lived and died for everyone,

And whosoever believeth in him shall be,

Saved, from sin for eternity.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. This is a great poem! Although I will say that you've become a way better poet in style since 2017, I still appreciated a lot of the lines, and the way you tied some of the phrases together was really well done!
