
by - 2:12 PM



To thrill
In the chill
Of the will
To kill.

To wait
And to hate
What you made
And paid.

To yearn
For the burn
And to earn
A turn.

To need
What you bleed
For the seed
You feed.

To lose
As you choose
Over loose
The noose.

To win
As you’ve been
Captured in
Your sin.

To die
As you try
With a cry
To fly.

To be;
Not to be.
For to be
Is Me.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Woah, I had no idea where you were going with this until the last stanza and then BOOM! I also love how you played around with shorter lines; it worked very well! What if you tried a series of couplets next? :D
