Peace ~~~ (2017)

by - 1:59 PM


Misty clouds o'er shadow the sky,

'Tis gray and yet part blue,

In the heav'ns oft birds cross fly,

The sun shines the clouds through.

In shimmering lights the waters flow,

Reflecting the summer sun,

The trees stand tall, to the sky they go,

The silence is not done.

Ah! silence serene,

The shimmering pool,

The air so keen,

The breeze so cool.

The water fowl glide up and down,

The bank – Lake of Peace.

Long have stood these trees tall grown,

And yet the dream must cease.

For days are made to get things done,

Now must I leave the water dear,

Yet by ray of moon and light of sun,

I'll remember the perfect peace felt here.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. As the title suggests, this poem is quite peaceful, and I love the picture that goes with it :)
