No Compromise

by - 1:25 PM

No Compromise
To choose between two human ills,
Beneath the influence of wills
That could care less who evil kills,
Choose with no compromise.

To speak a word in favor of
The right to joy and joy of love
For humankind, by action prove:
Speak with no compromise.

To move against a human wrong,
Go not too swift nor wait too long,
But brave and wise confront the throng:
Move with no compromise.

To fight the evil that would rise
Within the world to steal the prize
Of human hearts – though soldier dies
Fight with no compromise.

To learn how learning is to live
And gain knowledge by what you give
So others in your light may thrive
Learn with no compromise.

To hope that goodness must be real,
Enough to see, to hear, to feel -
To be, though no sense can reveal
Hope with no compromise.

To trust and in that trust, to place
The future of the human race
Within the perfect hands of Grace
Trust with no compromise.

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