Without Love

by - 1:01 PM

Without Love
Though I give until I’m empty;
Though I strive for all I’m worth;
Though I heal the wounded gently;
Though I rise and save the earth.
Though I make a crown of glory;
Though I win the final race;
Though I tell the greatest story;
Though I teach the sinner grace.
Though I heap a mount of treasures;
Though I serve and bend the knee;
Though I find the truest pleasures;
Though I make no enemy.
Though many friends gather ‘round me;
Though my family be whole;
Though the world would fail without me;
Though I save the broken soul.
Though I have the purest virtue;
Though my hands are free of blood;
Though I speak only what is true;
Though I stem the killing flood.
Though I seek for all that’s lovely;
Though I gain the greatest height;
Though I stand as none can move me;
Though I always do the right.
Though I believe without waver;
Though I pray to God above;
Though I magnify the Savior:
I am nothing without love.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Rereading this poem made me cry last night because I was just in this mood of longing and wanting to be loved, and the last line hit like a sledgehammer. Amazing job. :) <3
