Words Fall Short

by - 2:12 PM

Words Fall Short
Quills and scrolls and fading ink;
Dreams and muses – what I think
Sketched upon a crumbling page,
Ghostly actors on the stage.
Ink for dreams and words for thought:
What I write is what I’m not.

Say, are roses pink or gold?
Gold is not pink, pink not bold.
Tell a tale that never was,
Not like this, but more.” And thus
Try so hard to make words paint
What is real – but you can’t.

Insufficient is the pen
To encase the thoughts of men.
Inks and pages fall so short;
Try to write a broken heart.
No, but words fail in the end,
Proving we can but pretend.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. Ooooooooooh, I love the thought conveyed in this poem, even if we can't truly capture it. ;D
