If I Could Only Wish Were Real . . .

by - 1:45 PM

O, to be bound in wishing where
You want the worlds that are so fair
To be made real
So you can feel.
You reach and find there’s nothing there. 

O, to be filled with hoping for
A place you feel you’ve been before
And do belong
To wait and long.
You vainly hope forevermore. 

O, to be buried in the bliss
That there are places more than this
Cruel earth of men
Where tales have been.
You look and see they don’t exist. 

O, to be woken from the dreams
That fill your world with mystic scenes
The magic’s gone
The story’s done
And nothing’s more than what it seems.

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2 people are talking about this

  1. I just realized I read this and forgot to comment! This is lovely, and the picture is EPIC!! :D Did you photo edit that yourself??

  2. XD That would be a resounding
    But I am flattered you think me that skilled. ;)
    *considers doing something like that now . . .* Hmmmmm
