Show Me, O Lord

by - 1:45 PM


Show Me, O Lord

Show me, O Lord, the ways I have wandered
For I know they’re many and needing reproof.
Wield the bright sword which my pride has squandered
And with the sharp Word ope’ me to the truth.
Sorely I repent and wish I’d been faithful,
But this heart is wayward and filled with such stain
That I cannot conquer, for I am so prideful
And beastly desiring all that is my bain.
Oh, to be pure and being such, glory
In the perfect peace and joy You have sworn;
To be filled with the faith to witness Your story
And saving lost souls myself be reborn.
O Lord, I have wandered, and now I am praying
That mercy be strong not just to redeem
But purge and enlighten so that a new straying
Would never occur – not in waking, nor dream.
Faithful You have been this wretch to embolden
And mold to Your likeness. I pray – faithful still
May my heart reflect all that ‘tis beholden
To, and find purpose solely in Your will.
Prayer and repentance be themes to my song;
When given to God the weak become strong.

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1 people are talking about this

  1. This reads like a Psalm, and that last line is glorious :D
