Dear God

by - 1:33 PM


Dear God

I look to the future and a pang strikes my heart;
Dear God, I’m so scared that we’re falling apart.
Is there reason? Is there hope? Does this night ever end?
Will the dreams be destroyed that we’ve sought to defend?

I’m crying, Oh Father, that Your will may be done!
But Father, I also plead that the day be won
By those who have honored and trusted Your will
Who’ve sought out Your purpose and strived to fulfill.

The darkness is deep – I have peered through its depths
Its wickedness strikes me and snatches my breaths.
Dear God, I’m so scared that the day will be drowned
And the dawn never rise, and its light never found.

I’m crying, Oh Father, that Your purpose may rise!
But Father, I also plead – lift up our eyes
And show us deliverance, the mercy we need
Though we don’t deserve it. Dear Father, I plead.

Running through the shadows I stumble and fall
I wonder if right has any power at all.
Dear God, I’m so scared that even if I try
To fight off the evil, ‘twill win and not I.

I’m crying, Oh Father, that whatever it takes
May be the redemption for the kingdom it shakes.
One heart at a time is how Your will is done,
How the nation is saved, and the battle is won.

No matter what happens
No matter the price,
No matter the fortunes
Of virtue and vice.
No matter the death-toll
No matter whose won.
Our Father’s the answer
And His will be done.

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