
by - 1:47 PM



Paint me a picture but do not use brushes
Nor colors, nor shadows to say what I see.
Paint me the picture of leafy-light hushes
In evenings of autumn that were and will be.

Draw me a likeness, but do not use pencils,
Nor erasers, nor lead to tell what I know.
Draw me the likeness of light, windy stencils
In midnights of winter that come and then go.

Carve me an image, but do not use chisels,
Nor sanding, nor staining to show what I’ve seen.
Carve me the image of seed-dancing swivels
In long days of summers that are and have been.

Show me an inkling, a meaning, a token,
Before I am drawn beyond senses of flesh.
Dreams are forever and visions unbroken;
And in the heart-wishing is grant for the wish.

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1 people are talking about this

    Beautiful and perfect in form AHHHHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
